Polo Belt Ranchero

Polo Belt Ranchero

The new Ranchero polo belt by Krono Polo is a stunning accessory that showcases the best of Argentine craftsmanship. The belt is made with high-quality brown leather that has been tanned to perfection, making it both durable and comfortable to wear. The design of the belt is inspired by the Rancheros of Argentina, who are known for their bold and adventurous spirit.

The diamond pattern on the belt is a striking combination of beige and blue, which creates a unique and eye-catching look. The diamonds are perfectly spaced and sit on a background of rich, brown leather that complements the colors perfectly. The pattern is not only beautiful, but it also adds texture to the belt, giving it a unique and tactile feel.

The belt is perfect for polo enthusiasts, as it is designed to withstand the rigors of the sport. It is also great for anyone who wants to add a touch of elegance to their everyday outfit. The buckle is made of solid brass, which not only looks great but also adds to the durability of the belt. The belt is available in different sizes to fit everyone, making it a versatile accessory that can be worn by anyone.

The new Ranchero polo belt is a stunning piece of craftsmanship that combines beauty and durability in a unique way. It is the perfect accessory for anyone who wants to make a statement and stand out from the crowd. Whether you are a polo player or simply appreciate quality craftsmanship, this belt is sure to impress.

Availability:In Stock
